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Everything posted by Guru

  1. I wonder if our D-line will finally show up...
  2. OMGGGGG!!!!!!!! Ibanez is the [expletive]ing man
  3. Flash has been on the decline for years now man. I do agree that we should have a more interactive/content-filled homepage though.
  4. Ah I forgot about JL... I'd probably have to go with him
  5. Lol no, watch the last one
  6. That fumble on the first drive really fired up Bradshaw. Great game from him.
  7. Probably Hump, even though to this day I still don't understand why he's hated. Personally, I don't have one right now since there are sooo many new faces. I could see Blatche being up there for me.
  8. I wouldn't be surprised if this happened either. Hopefully we play with at least a little bit of urgency to get the win.
  9. Lol, he called him Robin hahaha. I can't even take Shaq seriously anymore... his hatred for Dwight is hilarious
  10. Really? He just came out with The Diamond Life Project and he made a EP with Spitta earlier this year called #The1st28. He's still been putting shit out, just gotta dig a little deeper to find it I guess lol New L.O.X. Order is supposed to drop this year but who knows with that shit.
  11. http://thebiglead.fantasysportsven.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/cutler-not-a-fan-of-tice-10-1-12.gif lmfao
  12. Could have been much worse... looked really bad Good news for now.
  13. http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U141-1349119195.jpeg LOL
  14. ugh, [expletive]. oh well, good game
  15. Wow, aite Gilbride... I see you
  16. Does Osi really not know what a contain is? [expletive]ing idiot.
  17. Ah [expletive]ing o-line needs to get their shit together
  18. Brees is [expletive]ing hooking it upppp for me in fantasy
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