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Everything posted by Guru

  1. I go way overboard with my sugar in coffee.
  2. I'm sure whatever he did say to his face was a hundred times worse than "You're a fake tough guy".
  3. You clearly know little about producers. I'd take Just Blaze, Havoc and Boi-1da over Dr.Dre any day of the week.
  4. How is him saying he's not going to let anyone talk trash to him make him sound like a girl? That makes no sense at all. You are supposed to get upset if someone is talking [expletive] to your face. [expletive] I've been in a bunch of fights over simple trash talk. Sure it is a part of the game but what do you expect him to do stand there and take it? If he did that than he would sound more like a [expletive] to me.
  5. I'm going with Chris Paul. Nash leads the league in turnovers per 48 minutes so that eliminated him for me. Chris Paul simply amazes me with his decision making every time I watch him play. I can see a how someone could make a legitimate argument for Williams, Kidd, or Lebron but I'm going with Paul.
  6. Haha I got the link from another site
  7. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/ipad/woman-sues-diddy-for-1-trillion/story-fn6bn80a-1225996526971 LMAOOOOOOO
  8. Meh, I agree with Durant to an extent. If Bosh got decked by anybody he'd probably run away. Or throw a punch and run away like a little girl like Melo did. Either way, Bosh isn't tough. It's a fact.
  9. http://www.abload.de/img/currenyelry.png Me and Ark. I've been trying to experiment some new techniques so it may not be as "fresh" as usual.
  10. Durant and Bosh mouthing off at each other.
  11. Name: Andray Blatche Gets Desperate: Asks His Opponents To Let Him Get A Rebound To Complete His TRIPLE Double! Category: Other Clips Date Added: 29 January 2011 - 07:54 PM Submitter: Guru™ Short Description: Hahaha View Video
  12. He's going to have to be a lot more specific than that if he really wants to clear his name with the media and fans.
  13. Just saying, they started off saying grenade horn but it evolved into grenade whistle because 1. it sounds better, 2. they were twisted. Doesn't change the fact that you are a fruit though HOV
  14. Hahahaha that's awesome. Too bad that's way bigger than the sig limit
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