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Everything posted by Guru

  1. You sound so gay right now you have no idea.
  2. You watch basketball wives. Come out of the closet already bro.
  3. http://belieber.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/grenade-whistle-gif.gif Hahahahaha
  4. You enter sketchy territory the second you decide to define "clutch".
  5. Excellent read regarding this topic. http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/blog/ball_dont_lie/post/Another-take-on-Kobe-Bryant-s-relative-clutchnes?urn=nba-313919
  6. So [expletive]in nice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0Z525SM1Sg
  7. Been bumpin' this heavy since it came out.
  8. He definitely didn't plan on doing that lmao
  9. Pretty interesting read. Nice to see some progress in our season now that the Melodrama is over.
  10. Alcohol is the gateway drug imo. Just think about all of the people that tried their first cigarette or their first hit from a bong when they were drunk. Just sayin'.
  11. Hahahahahaha Also, I wouldn't consider Bell "international" Flash.
  12. smh http://macbb.org/images/smilies/2psf50y.gif
  13. I hate the high you get off of heroin (I've only tried it once) because I never like to be THAT high. But anyways, get better bro.
  14. Name: Wizards Fan Dunk Category: Dunks Date Added: 27 January 2011 - 10:18 PM Submitter: Guruâ„¢ Short Description: None Provided Hahaha, crazy dunk by a Wizards fan. Forward to 1:20ish. View Video
  15. Damn, the Knicks are looking [expletive]ing good this year.
  16. Just to clarify N4S got is account deleted not banned.
  17. Nets are way higher than I thought they would be lol
  18. Another close game that we actually come out on top? NICE. Also, I think we are officially .500 at home. Sweet.
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