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Everything posted by Guru

  1. My favorite sport to play is basketball without a doubt. But in recent years, watching football (NFL) has surpassed watching basketball (NBA).
  2. Better question. What don't the Nets need to improve upon?
  3. Sure but at the end of the day he is a man. A man that clearly feels very disrespected by the Nuggets management. The only way this deal would continue is if Kroenke got on his knees and sucked his dick. Real talk.
  4. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha You still think Prokhorov is bluffing??????? :taunt:
  5. FINALLY! The Melo roller-coaster ride is over! Prokhorov you sexy thing.
  6. Haha Qdoba is great. Way better than Chipotle imo. Plus Rutgers students get a pretty nice discount at the one on George St. But yeah, Nates a G. Nice to see him getting involved in the community like this.
  7. #blackandyellow #blackandyellow #blackandyellow #blackandyellow
  8. My iPhones home button stopped working last night. So I took it to the Apple store expecting for the [expletive]as at the genius bar to be douchebags. But to my surprise, the guy was mad chill. He just looked at it for a couple of minutes and then gave me a brand new phone. Painless.
  9. This pretty much sums it up. But to increase activity, we need new young dedicated members. It's really that simple. I also have no idea how we would go about getting those new members.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hLfuETeQm0&feature=player_embedded
  11. Why do you fold under pressure? When will you step up as a leader?
  12. Semester starts back up tomorrow... fml -_-
  13. Inception The Social Network The Town Unthinkable Iron Man 2 Unstoppable
  14. I've been on the Steelers bandwagon since the playoffs started (mostly because I picked them to win everything). So unless somehow the Jets beat the Steelers, go Steelers!
  15. http://ielstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/debbie_downer.jpg
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laOZ7HPu9yU
  17. Okay Jay-Z, time to step in and offer Beyonce's coochie.
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