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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Wow, good job not blowing that dead. It looked like a fumble.
  2. Smh... tell her to pump while shes sucking
  3. Find yourself then scroll down on that page and click privacy
  4. http://www.viddler.com/explore/brobible/videos/23/ Hahahaha
  5. Are you beginning to realize your role as OTR's villain?
  6. Pretty cool video. I think it is a great strategy to try and implement "standards" instead of "rules".
  7. Those are clearly oxy's you n00b.
  8. If you have the iPhone 4 there is no untethered jailbreak yet. Which means every time you boot you need to connect to your PC/Mac. If you have iPhone 3gs or 3g all is well. Look up redsn0w on google for the latest jailbreak.
  9. And dunks in real games count for so much more? 2 points is 2 points. Your logic here is an epic fail.
  10. Lol what the [expletive] are you talking about? So, for example, since the 720 didn't occur during a NBA/college game, it isn't one of the greatest dunks of all time? Hahahaha yeah OKAY. Name one player in the NBA who can do that.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3MlzVNZ-pk
  12. And that makes him less ugly how?
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhqKMb01r_Q
  14. 1. Biggie 2. Rakim 3. Jay-Z 4. Nas 5. Tupac I can't believe some of you are leaving Rakim off of your lists....
  15. Charlie Villanueva has to be up there.
  16. My personal favorite was Black Milk's Album of the Year but Kanye's album is a very close second.
  17. Fire Ken Mauer. That is simply awful refereeing.
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