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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Don't worry, you guys are losing next week.
  2. 21 recovered fumbles this season for the Giants. New NFL record.
  3. You would be surprised if the Giants won??? lolwut
  4. Wow. What an end to the game. Carson Palmer is so butt
  5. A threat and A promise was probably my favorite. But I haven't listened to any of his new [expletive] after that mixtape so not sure which one is his best.
  6. holy [expletive] im so [expletive]in hungover my brain feels like it is going to pound right out of my head
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_s4KH1VmF0
  8. tree fiddy seriously though, 195ish is where I maxed out at my peak of working out. No idea where I am these days... I've been a lazy [expletive] ever since Summer ended.
  9. First two minutes of syllables was dope... it went downhill big time from there though
  10. Come on Chicago, we need you guys so show up and crush the cheeseheads. Pretty please
  11. Pretty sure you didn't break anything but that sucks
  12. lol you guys can have him the way he has been playing this season
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