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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Guru


    [expletive]ing love it jumped in a wishing well, now wish me well
  2. Anyone that put Lopez above Bogut last year is a moron. Top 3 in the east maybe with Noah creeping. And that whole "most of his success came when teams were up by 30" is simply false. He puts up his numbers in the 1st half and disappears in the 2nd. And plus the most overrated center in the NBA is Andrew Bynum, and this is coming from a huge Bynum fan.
  3. omg i hope signs that damn extension i will jizz everywhere
  4. Hahahaha. Lopez is an awful rebounder. I will not deny that at all. But to say he is the most overrated big man in the league? Come on man.
  5. Guru

    Mac Miller

    I've been down with Mac for a while now. Great music to chill with.
  6. Amazon is cool. From my personal experience, I would say FedEx > UPS.
  7. Younger lol, but maybe I'm just getting old
  8. Guru

    Need help!!!

    Download Audacity. It is seriously the simplest/easiest program for this type of stuff. And it is free.
  9. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_OanpoMDCWhI/SwPgkWjtb8I/AAAAAAAAC5Y/fRtNXr6bCyM/s400/skinny-jeans.jpg
  10. Not sure what you mean by "funny/entertaining" but as a diss track, that was weak sauce.
  11. Hey Snake, I bet you 100 Billion Dollars that Melo doesn't get traded to the Nets. http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p60/qball1084/austin_powers_mike_myers_as_dr_evil.jpg
  12. http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/7012/7868c9eaa99d.gif
  13. If we were convinced of that this deal would have went through before the season even started. Get out of your delusional world, he is going to the Knicks; via trade or FA.
  14. Yeah I just saw this as well. Very good movie, I would recommend seeing it for sure.
  15. Yeah this was going no where. You like him, and I hate him. Simple as that lol.
  16. My fault, I should have said he is a classless douche on the field. I don't know him off the field and neither do you. Therefore personally I could care less about his charity work or w/e. This has nothing to do with his actions off the field.
  17. I could care less what he does off the field to be honest. His lack of sportsmanship is what bugs me.
  18. He is classless and very arrogant. As a player, he is great. But his personality? Complete douche. But I guess it reflects well with the personality of most Eagles fans.
  19. I can't believe this guy was in my High School Accounting class... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3Y0wGIcHvg PWAY!!!!
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