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Everything posted by Guru

  1. If anything Melo is not a "punk" because he is letting his team and other teams know before hand that he isn't going to sign with them.
  2. You leave me no choice http://www.theblueandsilver.com/forums/images/smilies/eagles%20trophy%20case.gif
  3. Exactly. Why the hell would the Knicks trade for him when he is clearly going to go to them in the off season anyways?
  4. I don't blame him for saying that honestly http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLwh5nFYK5Y&feature=player_embedded
  5. God I hate him so much. Arrogant piece of [expletive].
  6. needed the cowboys to win one game and they can't even do that
  7. Damn, that coach deserves to be suspended for the rest of the season. What the [expletive] was he thinking? Stay classy Jets.
  8. http://blogs.nitobi.com/alexei/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/shipment_of_fail.jpg
  9. What the hell do you want them to shout? lmao.
  10. *Waits for Snake to come in here with an absurd theory*
  11. lol, leave her alone. who gives a [expletive] if she tried salvia? seriously?
  12. Nice, just ruined my mother[expletive]ing Sunday.
  13. Lmao, that guy is annoying has hell
  14. Solid. Some of the transformations look a bit sloppy though. Try using the wrap tool if you aren't already. http://ooglewindowblinds.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/photoshop-super-impose-imprint-technique4.jpg
  15. I jump, release at the peak, follow through. Cash.
  16. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_RfV5VMtlSWQ/SwsEgzxKijI/AAAAAAAAB9Q/J0cYDRE-j0o/s1600/Vince.jpg
  17. Taking a "bluff risk" is not worth trading the future of your franchise away, which is why no deal will ever get done with this [expletive]. The Nuggets are asking for way too much for a team that is going to have their backs against the wall very soon. Either you guys can trade him to the Knicks, or he will go there in the offseason. Like the title says, that mother [expletive]er is FIXATED on the Knicks.
  18. Holy [expletive] how did Amare get so many turnovers?
  19. Well you need to put your money on the fact that we won't trade for him unless he agrees to sign the extension.
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