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Everything posted by Guru

  1. How many times is it appropriate to say "What?" before you just nod and smile because you still didn't hear what they said?

  2. It would be so [expletive]ing funny if the Heat lost this game... it probably won't happen but you never know
  3. So I went to buy a pack of Newports today and the price was $8.37. It was $7.43 on Saturday. I ended up just walking out of the store and am seriously thinking about just quitting at this point.
  4. Lol, it was expected going into the season. But I see where you are coming from... since the Heat are not as "hot" as people thought they would be you would think the buzz would die down. Also, ESPN always rides teams dicks, it just happens to be the Heats turn this year. Or maybe they just like to ride Lebrons dick... I'm not sure at this point.
  5. Like just walk to walk? Na. It is a journey getting to class at RU. You add playing basketball to that and I'm pretty sure I have enough cardio haha.
  6. lmao, people seriously have too much time on their hands
  7. I'm looking forward to the chants the most lol
  8. Oh so now you are going to copy my posts too? This is getting out of hand.
  9. Yep, I thought the same thing. And of coarse it did
  10. You have to be [expletive]ing [expletive]ing me
  11. WTF IM GOING TO KILL GRAHAM AHHHHHHH YOU PIECE OF [expletive] MOTHER [expletive]ING [expletive] [expletive] [expletive]
  12. Omg this game is killing me... so many ups and downs
  13. Hahaha I [expletive]ing hate the Knicks announcers. Breen and Walt are both beyond biased and Walts voice is so monotone
  14. Gay shot? That [expletive] was nice as [expletive]... splitting the D at the three point line and making a buzzer beater to tie the game... yes so gay.
  15. Haha yeah we probably have the least biased announcers in the NBA.
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