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Everything posted by Guru

  1. http://girls.gunaxin.com/wp-content/gallery/thanksgiving-hotness/happy-thanksgiving.jpg
  2. "Oh he dead, he dead..... [expletive] YOU" Hahahahahaha
  3. Caption This: http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/2023/ap88c10955ebe840b390493.jpg
  4. I'm not sure that is the right advice because it sounds like he is already very close to her. My advice would be to make a move soon because you are very very very close into falling into the friends only zone. Waiting longer in this situation won't help your cause.
  5. The Nets may want Melo, but you guys need to trade him before the deadline. Like I said before, I don't see him going to the Nets. All this discussion about him getting traded to the Nets is just getting repetitive.
  6. I really like what Devin Harris just said when asked about how Avery called out the leaders of this team earlier in the week. He said "We took it personally." That shows that Avery is getting through to his players; specifically Devin and Brook. Big win for us. We got Boston tomorrow, should be a big test.
  7. Yeah it was an awful play overall. He lost control of the ball for a second and then just had to chuck it.
  8. Man I really want to know exactly what he did but it looks like the Nets aren't leaking that information.
  9. Holy [expletive] Brook lighting it UP
  10. Gasol and Bryant simply compliment each other better, from what we have seen so far.
  11. 1. Would you respect Lebron more if he didn't leave the way he did? (The Decision) 2. What is the craziest thing you saw someone do after Lebron left? 3. Yes all of these questions will have to do with Lebron. 4. Lebron>Kobe? 5. How big of a coward is Lebron on a scale of 1-10? 6. If Lebron decided to come back to the Cavs later in his career would you welcome him back? 7. Favorite spoof of Lebron?
  12. Hahaha one of the main reasons that the deal fell though is because we wanted to get D.J. Augustine from Charlotte. Harris was put in their to make salary work but in the end we wanted something back for him. That is why the other teams were involved. You really think we would give you Favors and Lopez for Melo? Hahaha. Do you realize how depleted our team would be if we did that? I personally don't think we are going to trade for Melo at all. He has made it pretty clear he doesn't want to come to New Jersey so I'm done with this pointless argument.
  13. Wednesday, November 24th Miami @ Orlando (ESPN) Winner: Miami Leading scorer: LeBron James Golden State @ Houston Winner: Houston Leading rebounder: Scola Thursday, November 25th Washington @ Atlanta (TNT) Winner: Atlanta Player with the most threes made: Wall Sacramento @ LA Clippers (TNT) Winner: Sacramento Leading passer: Evans Friday, November 26th Houston @ Charlotte (ESPN) Winner: Houston Leading shot-blocker: Scola Golden State @ Memphis Winner: Golden State Player with the most steals: Ellis Saturday, November 27th New Jersey @ Philadelphia Winner: New Jersey Leading scorer: ... Anthony Morrow
  14. On the bright side we play the Jags this week.
  15. http://www.prosportsdaily.com/forums/images/smilies/facepalm2.gif
  16. Yeah that old Magic logo was beyond dope as well.
  17. Chillin like a villain on penicillin
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