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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Yeah I saw that one but I'm leaning toward 6500 because of the new features... I found this one but I'm not sure if it is on sale or if they just sell it for that cheap lol http://www.butterflyphoto.com/prodinfo.phtml?id=20476
  2. You are so misinformed it's hilarious. Even in the original deal, you guys would get Favors and Charlotte would get Harris. Not both. But now instead of Favors, you would get Lopez... get it? Not Favors and Lopez you retard.
  3. Someone let me know if they find a good deal on a 55" LED TV.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okyntgBULyk UH HUH, YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS
  5. [expletive]ing Eli has downs. Ugh [expletive]kkkkkkkkk
  6. Do you realize how valuable a superstar is? Lopez is not a superstar. Look at every team in the past 7 years and tell me a team that has won it all without a SUPERSTAR. And I'm not sure what the [expletive] you mean when you say 'you never know what he's going to want'. He wants money and to win like every damn player, it's not that complicated.
  7. Ahhh the anticipation for this game is killing meeee
  8. I fell so epically. From 1st to 8th in one week.
  9. Take him. If we can keep Harris and Favors along with getting Melo, I'm all for it. As long as his [expletive][expletive] agrees to sign an extension of coarse.
  10. Murphy doesn't fit into Avery's current system at all. From what I have seen this year from Murphy, all he does is stand there and shoot 3's/long jumpers. We don't need another shooter on the court, we already have Morrow and Outlaw. We need someone willing to attack the paint like Favors and Hump. It maybe that he is still injured, but so far he just looks lost and weak. Either way we are straight. If we keep him he is a huge expiring contract. And if we trade him we will get something valuable in return because of his expiring.
  11. He's settling for jump shots. The first couple of games this season he had a mean streak but that faded away quickly.
  12. Hahahahahahahahahhahaha 3 lucky weeks in a row against booty teams and jets fans think they are the best in the NFL
  13. He only played 37... Harris played awful, again. But he played solid in the end when it counted. Brook on the other hand, took poor shoots throughout the game (even though he made a couple, doesn't make them good shoots) and blew a layup that should have been automatic.
  14. lol were you watching the game? he missed a wide open lay-up with under a minute to go that would have tied the game. you are [expletive]ing 7 feet tall, dunk the damn ball. ughhhhhhhhh
  15. [expletive] Brook Lopez [expletive]ing soft piece of [expletive]. Mother[expletive]er
  16. Brook needs to stop shooting from 839 miles away from the [expletive]ing basket.
  17. I'm up to 79 right now in my player mode... my player is such a monster
  18. 1. N64 - GOAT, blowing in a slot to fix your games ftw. 2. Xbox 360 - Yeahhh 3. Dreamcast - So easy to play downloaded games, rarely ever had to buy any games for the system. Plus there was a point where everyone had a Dreamcast. 4. Gameboy Color - Pokemon son. 5. PS2 - Classic. Really changed the way gaming consoles are made forever. The games made for it were amazing as well. This was the last console ever bought for many people in my generation.
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