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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Oh I don't know... maybe because if Suh didn't try to kick the extra point they would have lost that game?
  2. Damn, the Jets with two lucky wins in back-to-back weeks.
  3. Don't see how that's "trolling". I don't care if you call them "G-Women" in fact that is a pretty weak nickname. Very weak. You homo loving bastards can do better than that. <See, that's trolling.
  4. I can't wait in lines, no patience. I might do some online shopping if there are some black friday sales online but that's about it.
  5. How the [expletive] do you visit a city you live in?
  6. Dexter How I Met Your Mother Entourage Weeds House Spartacus Family Guy Burn Notice Breaking Bad So many more that I am forgetting lol...
  7. That's funny because most people in Jersey don't like Joe Budden.
  8. It's close. MM4 was amazing but the more I listen to this man... I just don't know lol
  9. NYC easily. I have never been to NYC and got bored. EVER. I always come back with some type of story to tell. Vegas is a very very very close second.
  10. Mixtape of the year. [And I am huge on Kush and OJ but this is just...NIIIICE] The only track I wasn't feeling out of all 20 was "In the Morning"
  11. I hate games like this. If we win, we are supposed to win. If we lose, "OMG the GIANTS suck!!!". Lose-lose situation. Lets just hope we blow them out.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsRYWEgkYe8 lmao.
  13. Guru

    Ban Me Please

    Just putting it out there, I was the first +1. Trend setter. :glasses:
  14. THIS. I'm bugging the [expletive] out without it LOL is it bad that I have new ideas on how to improve this after you released it?
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