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Everything posted by Guru

  1. This shadow is so [expletive]ing annoying.
  2. So you are saying that Rondo is comparable to Wade, Lebron, and Howard? Using your logic if we put Rondo on the Cavs he would CARRY them to the finals? Come on man.
  3. What exactly is your point? That Bosh is not a star? Because I'm willing to argue that.
  4. Cause it wasn't necessary for me to include them to make my point? I could have included them, but I didn't so [expletive] it and [expletive] you.
  5. How the hell are you going to matchup against three teams? Lets look at the stars of these teams The Heat - SG, SF, PF The Magic - C The Celtics - PG ...yeah it would be really smart to matchup against them now wouldn't it, because when you do you have your whole starting 5. What you said makes sense, but the examples you gave were just horrid.
  6. Wow, great 1st quarter for us. I'm impressed.
  7. Ok, I'm ready for the [expletive] whooping we are about to get.
  8. Green wasn't worth it, I'd try Gold before it.
  9. Haha when I said 'great' I meant great beer pong beer, lol. It would suck to sit there and sip that [expletive]. But when you have to down something quick, it is easy to take down.
  10. Rollin Rock is great, I've passed by their factory in Jersey a couple of times.
  11. lolwut...that has direct correlation with you just getting one to just get one
  12. It seems like Lopez just gets pwned by Dwight every time they go up against each other.
  13. I'm saving blue for my 21st but I have tried all of the other ones. Red - Decent, cheap, gets the job done Black - My fav Green - Very strong, hard to take down, but hits faster than the others Gold - Decent, good for special occasions ... but not that special aka 20th bday
  14. Humphries took Kim Kardashian to dinner the previous night. He so smashed that.
  15. We are shooting the lights out from behind the 3 pt arc but Dwight is completely [expletive]ting on us
  16. Man why the hell did we trade Ryan Anderson.
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