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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Hahaha captain is like one of the most common drinks over here in the US.^
  2. What the [expletive] are you blabbing about? The last sentence was the only sentence that was needed. And it is not a good sign, but it is not a bad sign either.
  3. Lmao, the sarcasm went right over his head.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6mEWXjhiMU
  5. Relax. The Celtics lost to the Cavs... so does that mean the Celtics should be worried? And we are not supposed to do anything, we won 12 games last year. Any win we get I'm grateful for. We are four games in, I'm sorry that I'm ready to give up on this team because of one 2 point loss on a completely awful call at the end of the game. -_-
  6. Yes, because losing by two on a bull[expletive] call means we completely suck [expletive] outta here with that
  7. bahahhahaha that had me rolling... especially the kid at 1:30 nice find
  8. Murphy is a game time decision. I hope he plays, I want to see what he can bring to this team so bad.
  9. It is so easy to get assists when you play with Gasol, all I do is run pick and rolls all game. Kobe barely scores lmao... My player is averaging like 12 assists every game
  10. He has always been one of my favorite players in the NBA.
  11. Any clear alcohol besides everclear is not acceptable for me. They all taste fruity and gay as hell. Vodka, clear rum, etc.
  12. Try mixing Ciroc with lemonade it tastes so much better
  13. Sports that I actually follow: Basketball - Nets Football - Giants College Football - Rutgers Sports that I follow but don't follow extremely closely: Hockey - Devils Baseball - Yankees
  14. Black and coke + Newports Jack is okay but it tastes a bit too sweet for me.
  15. I haven't had one trick or treater come to my house lol
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzJAHWneMsQ
  17. He's just shooting right over the defender, we need to play closer. And he's getting easy lay ins because of Wade and Lebron. I wouldn't exactly say he is doing what he wants but he is hitting his shots. Lebron, on the other hand, is doing whatever the hell he wants lol
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