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Everything posted by Guru

  1. It was fun to mess with for like two days, but I got bored of it quick. Honestly, you could do without the jailbreak if you don't play games on your phone like me. But if you are bored it is fun to mess around with the different themes and stuff. The only thing that I use everyday is the Android Lock app, which I could have did without. Pretty much, if you play games on your phone, its great, get Madden, Fifa, etc. for free. Oh, and NBA League Pass for free is mad cool as well.
  2. Even more realistically; they are and will be better than the Raptors throughout the next decade.
  3. http://www.cnbc.com/id/39879899 I love this guy.
  4. Lol, I know exactly what play you are talking about. He went up strong, but for some reason changed his mind last second and decided to try and lay it in.
  5. The thing is.... Troy Murphy didn't even play. So it really depends on how well he does when he comes back from his injury. That's why I don't see Favors starting any time soon.
  6. Hahahaha what the hell? How did this happen?
  7. A lot of stuff happened but the main thing was that Anthony Morrow hit a HUGE three.
  8. So much drama! But we came away with the win!!! LETS GOOOOOOOOOO!
  9. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! What a game to start off the season.
  10. HOLY [expletive] that white dude all the way to the right is my boy Joey
  11. What an awful way to close out a solid half
  12. Nets vs Suns December 7, 2006 INSANE game even though the Nets lost. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdKxfkwPyok
  13. Yes, losing you starting QB can cause you to lose the game. But to say you would have won with him is a [expletive]ing injudicious way of thinking. And if your defense is really that effected by the QUARTERBACK getting injured, there is something wrong.
  14. What point? That Romo was 5-7 with two drops? Who gives a [expletive]? He should of led the offense to more than 1 TD with that field position. I ignored what you said because it is a completely irrelevant point considering you guys still struggled to move the ball with Romo at QB. And gtfo with that "well if Romo was playing we would have won" bull[expletive]. We started playing lazy as hell because we went up by 18, if you didn't notice that you are either blind or stupid. Pick one.
  15. Hahahahaha. The point was that they only scored one TD with less than thirty yards to start off with. Is that really that hard to get through your head? You are starting to sound a lot like this guy right now: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2262/2192148024_688d0eb741_o.gif
  16. It's always funny to look at the ups and downs we go through as Giants fans throughout the season
  17. YOU ARE [expletive]ING RETARDED. They had 3 scoring drives? Do you know what field position they started with?!!??! Did you even watch the damn game? They got what 1 TD with that amazing field position? We get it, Romo the Homo is god and you want to suck his dick until he busts in your mouth but damn open your [expletive]ing eyes.
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