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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Great idea. Layout and quality of pictures could have been better though. Maybe mass email every member with this once every month?
  2. 6-0 on two fumbles. Not a bad start, but they definitely could have taken total control of this game if they got a TD.
  3. Tuesday, October 26th Miami @ Boston (TNT) Winner: Miami Leading scorer: LeBron Houston @ LA Lakers (TNT) Winner: LA Lakers Leading passer: Kobe Wednesday, October 27th Chicago @ Oklahoma City (ESPN) Winner: Chicago Player with most turnovers: Westbrook Portland @ LA Clippers (ESPN) Winner: Portland Leading rebounder: Oden Thursday, October 28th Washington @ Orlando (TNT) Winner: Orlando Leading scorer: Dwight Howard Phoenix @ Utah (TNT) Winner: Utah Leading passer: Deron Williams Friday, October 29th Orlando @ Miami (ESPN) Winner: Miami Player with most steals: Lebron LA Lakers @ Phoenix (ESPN) Winner: Lakers Leading rebounder: Gasol Saturday, October 30th Denver @ Houston (NBATV) Winner: Denver Player with most threes made: JR Smith
  4. i agree, this season has been awesome imo
  5. I've seen 27 rings that say different.
  6. Hahahhaha, yeah that dude was mad annoying throughout the game.
  7. If the Rangers lose the World Series, Cliff Lee will be a Yankee next year. Feel free to quote me.
  8. [expletive] this im changing the channel to preseason nba.
  9. Funny you bring that up, we just had a huge discussion on that in my Media Systems class. It really is crazy though, reality TV seems to be taking over.
  10. I feel bad for the guy, it seems like the diabetes is taking a toll on him worse than ever before.
  11. It is hard to draw the line between cocky and confident, but I feel like Lebron James crosses over from confident to cocky very often.
  12. I gotta admit, I'm pretty impressed with your dedication to this
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