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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Wale went off on the Black and Yellow beat. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXWxXvR__5I
  2. http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U7-1287637883.jpg
  3. I kind of respect the way N4S left, quietly.
  4. That's sweet. Should have went up to them imo.
  5. Do or Die the next two games. We just need to take it one game at a time and try to not get ahead of ourselves just because we won this game. A game 7 is on guaranteed we are going to have to fight for it.
  6. You make a strong point with the 2nd half of your post. Lebron is an attention whore... but we already knew that lol
  7. You are talking in circles man. And yes, there are employees that have an earned income of 1 mil or more per year. I know this may shock you but.... wait for it.... umm.... ATHLETES?
  8. Man YALLS need to hop off and stop acting like YALLS teams even made it this far. YALLS know what I'm saying? YALLS, YALLS, YALLS? stfu.
  9. Not really that surprised to be honest, but I do see where you are coming from. (Believing in your team, supporting until the end blah blah blah) But you clearly don't know what it feels like to be stuck in NY traffic, and on top of that on a Tuesday night.
  10. So you are pulling this out of your [expletive] and there are no statistics to back up your point... okay just wanted to get that clear.
  11. You know what it is. Still on top, but boy it is still so damn close.
  12. I vote yes, but I agree with your second part lmao.
  13. OMG. Stop bringing up the fact that Gates, Allen, Jobs, and Dell dropped out of college. Most college drop outs don't [expletive]ing become billionaires. Sorry to bust your bubble. And PLEASE link me to the study that shows you have a higher chance of being rich if you drop out. (MB) I guarantee that 1) you just pulled that out of your [expletive], or 2) it isn't from a credible source.
  14. Devin Harris holds the Guiness Book Record for Fastest with the Ball if that means anything lol
  15. SMH http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_upshot/20101018/us_yblog_upshot/nato-official-bin-laden-living-comfortably-in-pakistan
  16. That is probably the first +1 I have ever gave you.
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