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Everything posted by Guru

  1. I saw him perform at Pitt when I went to go visit my friend that goes to Pitt two years ago. It was so much fun.
  2. Not to mention, do you know how much Yankees playoff tickets cost!?!? Yeah.
  3. Let me know if you need help finding pics
  4. Here is the template if anyone actually does want to mess around with it. http://www.deviantart.com/download/168700768/Nike_Pro_Combat_Template_4_by_rezland.psd
  5. I'm probably closer to the stadium than most people in the state of NY.
  6. It actually started out as a color piece but when I sent it to Sho he turned it into a b/w piece. We both thought it looked better this way, but I see what you are saying.
  7. http://images.free-extras.com/photo/w/wtf_is_this-113.jpg
  8. I miss this banner http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y97/thefuturekobe/Signatures/mainkobeiverson.jpg
  9. Bahahaha, he has a point about the hair though. ^_^
  10. Sorry MJ, not with you here. He is right about it being less physical but the overall talent level in the league has definitely gone up.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ba5-6llCN6k
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