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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Whoever made ur sig ripped this sig http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U1-1270740450.png
  2. There are always two sides to an argument. Read C.S. Lewis "The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment". Although, I do not agree with some of his views he brings up some very good points that people seem to overlook all the time.
  3. Shut up. You said you wanted to "help" these criminals. Therapy? Last time I checked people that go to therapy are patients. Medicine to control urges? Still patients. Please [expletive]ing explain to me how you plan on helping these people.
  4. With no spreads it is so easy to predict the winner of most games. Keep the spreads.
  5. I hate when people act like prisoners are patients instead of criminals.
  6. What’s worse, being completely aware and unhappy or being extremely naïve and happy?

    1. fish7718


      Equally as bad lol

    2. Big Penny

      Big Penny

      i would rather be Happy

  7. http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm131/ChineseGuyWithAMustache/4jt9nl.gif
  8. Haha funny timing, I have a paper on the humanitarian theory due on Monday. Anyways, I agree that they do deserve to be tortured to death. But these days it seems like our justice system is more about trying to "cure and deter" rather than to give the son's of [expletive]es what they deserve.
  9. http://www.blogcdn.com/www.urlesque.com/media/2010/05/haterafrican.jpg
  10. Besides the ones mentioned, I'd add Kirk Hinrich to the list.
  11. I'm not going to include RU sports, because I have so much Rutgers clothing. But besides that, I rarely wear any sports shirts... probably like once or twice a month with my Giants jersey. You can pretty much always catch me with a Yankee cap on though, I have like 21 different Yankee fitteds.
  12. ...No, it's called credits.
  13. Nets losing to the Spurs in the Finals. I'll never forget that 10 point lead we blew in game 6.
  14. Ahhhh classic. Luv this song One of my favorite diss tracks of all-time
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