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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Na chill, I had it first. :glasses:
  2. For the future, imageshack.us and many other sites have a resize option. http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/4279/74494896.jpg http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/4279/74494896.jpg
  3. I don't see it happening, but it would be sweet if it did.
  4. In my opinion he should just have just came out and said that he wanted to skip camp. I'm sure that the Vikings wouldn't have minded and all this media wouldn't be following him the way that they are.
  5. The reason the media rides his nuts is because he already retired once and came back. If he didn't do that I don't think this would even be that big of an issue. Also, him not showing up to camp doesn't help his case.
  6. Gmen with the first win the new stadium
  7. A lot of people smoke weed, this isn't shocking at all. If he was smoking crack and playing basketball than I might think that this is serious news..
  8. Good read. But as far as the defensive videos shown they were just really lazy plays by Devin. Can you really blame him when your team is playing like they did last year? The driving to the basket thing was a solid point though, he should really look to finish instead of just looking to draw the foul.
  9. Haha, wow... who are they going to sign next Lawrence Frank?
  10. On Mac OS X, pressing Command-Shift-3 takes a screenshot of the entire screen. On Microsoft Windows, pressing Print Screen captures a screenshot of the entire desktop, then paste it in Paint. http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U141-1281550889.png
  11. Atleast Wade isn't a coward.
  12. New Jersey Nets - Brook Lopez That is all
  13. yeah the text didn't come out as nice as i wanted it to
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