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Everything posted by Guru

  1. No [expletive] Sherlock Holmes. Lol, [expletive]ing [expletive] [expletive] Australian [expletive]es talking [expletive]. You would get murked in Jersey you [expletive] [expletive].
  2. Yep. If you want the job, call them after applying.
  3. http://wtfoodge.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/metrocard.jpg
  4. Your [expletive] clearly didn't watch the Nets during our Finals runs. I swear you make yourself looks so dumb at times. I'm ashamed that you are a Nets fan.
  5. I wanna see Smitty in the thong. :o
  6. http://www.sendspace.com/file/0yqwej
  7. Damn, I wish I was at that game. It really was the best game ever.
  8. Horrible analogy. But yeah, there will probably be some crazy stuff the 1st game Lebron has to play in Cleveland.
  9. In that case I would say the Beatles, no contest
  10. I run my Ethernet cable from my laptop to my Xbox. So it's pretty much a wi-fi adapter, without me paying $100 to Microsoft. :glasses:
  11. I used to do chest and tri's together but I recently changed to arms, chest and back all on separate days. I have been seeing much better results with this routine. Probably because your bi's/tri's are technically getting hit twice a week this way. Plus you get to focus more on your bigger muscles like your chest and back on those days. You should try it imo, it's working for me.
  12. Vh1 must be happy as hell. Maybe next season TO and Ochocinco can do a show together.
  13. Hahaha this is going to be so fun to watch.
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