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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Stephen Curry, straight automatic.
  2. Lets go! I can't wait for preseason to start. GMENNNNNNN
  3. Pee, brush, shower. Eat breakfast, smoke a boge, drink my coffee.
  4. Did some research only to find my original thoughts were accurate; it really does cost too much to live here.
  5. Not really, but thanks for the input.
  6. Haha, it costs way too damn much to live in Jersey.
  7. Okay, stop giving me running backs I have like 29342134. Use some type of sense when making my sim pick atleast
  8. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a308/parthamin555/stles.png
  9. Just select the next best available for me if I'm not on. So pretty much if it is my turn for more than 10 minutes, just make my pick for me.
  10. Lebron because he is a coward.
  11. Yeah, still like Nitro better. But El Toro is easily the best wooden coaster I have ever been on.
  12. Great read. Nice article man, hopefully Favors won't be a bust.
  13. Haha, you clearly followed this tut: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/178/0/a/__Forsett_Signature_Tutorial___by_dynamiK_farr.png As far as the sig goes, lighting is good but the font choice could have been a lot better. Keep following tutorials and you will be good in no time. Keep it up.
  14. Mine used to be YoungGuru5050, hahaha... it simplified over time to just Guru.
  15. He wanted to move on with his life.. I think... something like that
  16. lmao at the 1st one.. and the 2nd one happens to me atleast twice every game with these new sliders lol
  17. Not at all... Ask Warren2ThaG.. he knows
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