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Everything posted by Guru

  1. I'm a Rutgers homer, wtf did you expect lol
  2. RAY RICE. http://www.nfldraftdog.com/draftdogimages/NFL%20Players/ray-rice.jpg
  3. ...you don't remember me lol? RB then BN now here
  4. yahoo? im down. amin902005@yahoo.com
  5. That is one thing I remember from RealBallers... all the wallpapers made with realballers.com on them increased the amount of new members like crazy. Wallpapers are a great way to promote. If we can get some type of competition with a reward, I'm sure I can bring some GFX'ers over to participate. Also, I think wallpapers are the way to go because they are used more often than sigs imo. Just an idea.
  6. WOooOoo... Bulluck is a nice upgrade from Pierce's lazy [expletive].
  7. I think we went through this idea before... I really like the idea but in the end it is all up to B to decide what he wants to do.
  8. Riot. The flow on his verse was so much better than Legacy's.
  9. Lol at comparing them to the Heat and not the Lakers.
  10. http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U141-1279919464.gif
  11. The draft imo. You can get what could be superstars for so much cheaper than FA. It's a risk to try and build through the draft but it would be so much worse to over pay a FA that doesn't end up playing well. Also, with FA you are likely to be stuck with a huge, long term contract... so if they don't deliver you are [expletive]ed.
  12. I hate Noah, but this makes me hate him a little less.
  13. Just saw it, very creative movie.
  14. Oh damn I forgot one: "I'm taking my talents to South Beach..."
  15. I am shocked that this one has not been mentioned yet: "Kobe, Tell Me How My [expletive] Tastes"
  16. Okay? So all we should listen to is Common? I'm not saying that there are not rappers out there that do freestyle, but I am saying that freestyling is not required to be considered a good rapper.
  17. Who cares if they can freestyle or not? Artists don't have to have the ability to freestyle. If I wanted to see a freestyle battle I would go watch Serius Jones or someone. There is a difference between freestyling and rapping.
  18. On second thought... on TV I enjoy watching football the most, but in person hockey is easily the most exciting sport to watch.
  19. Curling is amazing, [expletive] outta here. Haha, seriously though me and my suitemates used to watch it all the time when the Olympics where on
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