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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Turn the block slider down a little, it's way to easy to block people.
  2. Are you serious? I understand what he was saying but it was a horrible analogy.
  3. http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/MichealJacksonPopcorn.gif
  4. I stopped playing for over a year until I got my Xbox 360 in December. I will stop playing once I get bored of this system... it is just a matter of time.
  5. lol yeah i was like wtf when it went in ... gg
  6. im the only one on... and yet people are down for games lol... get on people
  7. lmao you should have saw how pissed i got
  8. wow my bad dude, that usually never happens to me but my whole street lost their internet connection for a while
  9. Parth smart, cool, and great person. very god damn sexy too. although this person can tend to be a bit conceited and arrogant at times, but its only cuz they have something to be conceited about. that person is so sexy, and cool, almost a parth, but no one can ever be that good, but there pretty damn close.
  10. Hahaha duck hunt and the last one were the best
  11. Rondo + PP + Ray for Melo + Billups
  12. Yi was a lazy player who has played under his potential his whole career.
  13. haha its all good man, you kicked my [expletive] regardless im just saying watch out for it in the future
  14. no, it worked twice the whole game... you did it almost every other play
  15. who ever the [expletive] the thunder is needs to stop full court charging
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