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Everything posted by Guru

  1. http://highbridnation.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/jay-z-lebron.jpg Haha, sike na. He's gonna re-sign most likely.
  2. Now I want us to sign Thomas, even though before this post I didn't.
  3. lmao, I have a 360 and no you won't.
  4. Haha he got caught with sizzurrpp
  5. It will probably aid you in losing some weight, but remember diet is the most important factor not supplements.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5RB9gqNcoQ
  7. With those rosters the Nets would be insane
  8. Yanks with the walk off .. LETS GO!
  9. http://www.profile-comments.com/images/4th-july/images/happy-4th-of-july3.gif
  10. I'm pretty sure most of the ex-GFX crew has this platinum account.
  11. In NY/NJ he will be living next to a bunch of celebrities, like himself. It's really up to him where he would rather live but I feel like he likes the hype.
  12. He has his own shoe, he doesn't need to fill MJs
  13. A lot of my friends go to school in Newark, I'm always up there. I'm not going to argue with you that it's not a [expletive]ty city because it is. But I just don't see why Lebron would care since the stadium isn't really in the "hood" of the city.
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