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Everything posted by Guru

  1. http://aesoprock.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Aesop-Rock-Skelethon-cover.jpg One of my fav albums of the year so far. Check it out if you haven't already.
  2. Very nice. Way too much topaz on the render though
  3. Same difference. lmao, jk... not really Anyway, I guess this leaves room for all of the CP3 to NYK rumors.
  4. I live in NJ... I know more Knick fans than just you guys lol Knicks fans said that.
  5. Yeah I'm not saying they will be anywhere as bad as the PGs last year. But at the same time, I wouldn't be surprised if they were either. It's a toss up until we see them on the court. Lin would have been a much more solid option at PG for the Knicks imo. Regardless of his deficiencies, he is very talented. I can't say the same for Felton lol
  6. Meh, that's debatable. Knicks fans said similar things when they got Bibby and Davis last year... we all know how that turned out
  7. They should have kept him. As a Nets fan, I'm glad they didn't.
  8. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m61br3aD4N1r3gb3zo1_400.gif
  9. Haha I just turned it off after the credits. I don't have enough patience
  10. Season premiere was awesome. Anybody know what the address was? Or what is at the address?
  11. What about the people that spend their time trying to make sure that gay marriage stays illegal? Nice one sided argument lmao.
  12. I'm probably going to take the CFAs around next year. It's going to cost me around 1200 for the test so stop bitching lol
  13. Wow, Plitvice Lakes looks like it is amazing
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