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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Aren't those like $600 or some crazy [expletive] like that lol?
  2. I used to play Full Tilt last year. Made $700 overall, then got bored of it
  3. P90X works but if you want to really see a huge difference join a gym.
  4. How did you calculate this "likelihood"? All of this talk is straight opinion, like you said so arguing it is pointless.
  5. I strongly disagree with that statement.
  6. Wow, they made Tebow way too good
  7. Damn man, I remember when I had that [expletive]. It sucked so bad, I had to live on Gatorade for like 2 days
  8. Haha I'm not instigating or anything... I just thought this was a funny gif http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc312/atitagain_23/sportGiFs/nike2_1_1vfba.gif
  9. I would put the Nets into the discussion as well now that we have Avery.
  10. [expletive], his returns will definitely be missed.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVE60zwXx1k hahaha
  12. LOL, I've been here since 2006 dude. And seriously, someone please tell him what a bandwagoner is.
  13. Can someone please explain to this guy the definition of a bandwagoner
  14. What does Manu not come off the bench these days?
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