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Everything posted by Guru

  1. hahahaha how do you [expletive] up the call after looking at the replay... that was a HUGE blown call
  2. This game should be closer, but something in my gut is telling me it will be very similar to game 1
  3. 1.) Rich people are rich because they know how to use "leverage" for them. What are those forms of leverage? a. Other people's time b. Other people's money c. Other people's talent/ resources d. All of the above. 2.) If you want to be rich, you must know how to make "money work for you", not the other way around (work for money). What is the best example of "money works for you" below? a. David is a full time worker and buys car, houses, boats for his private use b. Bill works three jobs and he saves $1000 a month c. Tom buys a $15,000 boat and rents it for $1,500 a month. Ten months later, he manages to get his $15,000 back and still has his boat for rent. From 11th month on, his boat produces $1,500 for him a month, whether he works or not. d. Jeff buys $20 lottery ticket every week in hope someday he can cash in the big money. 3.) Which one view below that rich people have in common? a. "Investing is risky so stay away" b. "Investing is not risky if you educate yourself financially. It is risky if you don't." c. "Investing is gambling. Some days you get rich, some days you don't. So beware." d. "Investing is about the hot tips on how to get rich quick." 4.) To be truly rich, you have to achieve: a. High-paid job. A $100,000 a year will surely get rich b. Financial independence = your monthly passive income and/ or portfolio income, incomes you get regardless of whether or not you work, are greater than your monthly expense. c. A $1,000,000 networth. d. A $1,000,000,000 networth. 5.) Which one characteristic most rich people have and believe that it plays a big factor why they're financially successful? a. Being generous. You'll get what you give. If you want a smile from other people, be the one to smile first. If you want a hug, be the one to give a hug. If you want money, be the one to give money. When you give away your money, it has a strange way of coming back to you. b. Being stingy. Because they don't like to give away their money. c. Being obscenely cheap. d. Being happy. Because it's only thing you gotta do to be rich. 6.) Bill's job pays him $100,000 a year. He likes to buy cars, boats, italian suits, silverware, and expensive items for his private use. Bill is a shop-aholic, he likes new things because they "smell nice" and pays them mostly on credit card. He works full time endlessly just to pay bills, and he can't afford to get fired because if he does then he'll be declared bankrupt and have his items seized. Within two years, his company went down and his job was gone. Bill had to sell everything he had, even his house, and now he lives in a rental apartment with barely anything besides bed and fridge. What happens to Bill's financial life? a. His company went bankrupt, plain and simple. It's his company's fault Bill's financial life in shambles. He's innocent. b. His company didn't pay him enough/ he needs more than $100,000 a year. c. He thought when he bought cars, boats, italian suits, he thought he bought assets when those are really liabilities/ items that a person buys for private use/ depreciating in value. Bill not only spent on liabilities, he spent everything he had on liabilities, and left little to none for himself or true assets. A classic case of not knowing how to differentiate between assets and liabilities. d. It happens, it is beyond anyone's control. 7.) Asset, in rich people's simplest definition, does: a. Do nothing but to be enjoyed. b. Put money in your pocket. c. Take money out of your pocket. d. None of the above. 8.) When you buy an orange for $1.00 and then immediately sell it for $1.50 for a profit of $0.50, what is that profit called? a. Rip off b. Fifty per-cent c. Cash flow d. Capital gain 9.) On the other hand, if you buy a surfboard for $100 then rent it for $10 daily. After 10 days when you have got your money back, you begin to make profit on the 11th day on. What is that profit called? a. Rip off b. Seventy per-cent c. Cash flow d. Capital gain 10.) Investing is really about: a. Stock market. Put down your money today and get rich tomorrow. b. Real estate. c. Your method of investing/ your invetments products. d. Your (usually) long-term, boring, methodical plan. A plan that takes you from A to B, financially over the years. 11.) LeBron James gets paid $18-20 mil by the Cavs. This salary from Cavs is a type of _____ income. When companies use his name to promote their products, or release his books such as his autobiography, they pay him commission or sign him to a contract. This type of money is a type of _____ income. a. Athlete, celebrity. b. Small boss, big boss. c. Earned, passive. d. Athlete, athlete. 12.) The difference between earned and passive income is: a. Passive income keeps flowing into your account regardless whether or not you work. As for earned income, you have to keep working for it and if you stop, the income also stops. b. You have to work for your passive income, this means if you stop working, this income also stops. c. Earned income is usually bigger. d. Passive income is more complicated. 13.) There are two (2) money problems in this world, and those are "a problem of not enough money" and _____ : a. A problem of the USA dollars b. A problem of the corruption c. A problem of the monopoly by the rich d. A problem of too much money 14.) Antoine Walker made $100 mil in his NBA career, and now he declared bankruptcy. Basically the same like most people in society, trying to get that 9-5 job when his basketball days leave him. There are also several multi-million lottery winners who went from "riches" to "in debt" in a matter of years. What happened to Shimmy and these lottery winners? a. It's none of our business b. They ran into bad luck. c. They hang out with the people who fleeced them their money. It's the fault of the people around them. d. A case of poor people who stumble on big money in an instant and although they've become rich physically, they remain poor in their heart mentally, because all they've known about money all their life is "a problem of not enough money". So once they have money, they only know ONE THING what to do about it, and that is TO SPEND. It's a case of getting to the top (getting rich) but not knowing how to stay on the top (remain rich). 15.) The one that truly determines whether an investment is risky or not is: a. The investment b. The method of investment c. The market d. The investor themselves/ you 16.) Have you come across people (type A) who say "I'll never be rich" "I can't afford it. Forget it" and it just seems to be that way for them? And then you encounter other people (type B) who say, "I can't afford it, but how can I afford it?" "I'm not rich, but how can I be rich?" and they just seem to find their ways to achieve them? So what is the real/ core difference between rich people and poor people? a. Their money. Cmon... what else? b. Their lucks. Getting rich is all about pure luck and nothing else. c. Their friends/ relatives who present them opportunities. d. Their words/ thinking... and your words become flesh. It doesn't take money to become rich, it takes words. Good news is, words are free. 17.) To rich people, mistakes/ failures in investing/ financial/ business are: a. Bad. b. Very bad signs of one's financial skills and their financial future will likely be the same way. c. Unforgivable and unheard of. d. Opportunities to learn from and get better in the next ventures. In fact, they firmly believe you're not truly successful until you've made mistakes/ failed at least once. ... i win, econ major ftw
  4. Lebron's going to Jersey, the rest can do whatever they want
  5. lmao, you guys are arguing about music preference.
  6. Fix online play and running the pick and roll successfully is way too easy.
  7. lol this guy is so dumb, double kobe every time he dribbles it up court... yeah I'm sure thats going to work
  8. Guru


  9. lol, do you watch Rondo? He rarely does that.
  10. Teams just don't want a Ricky Williams part 2 on their team.
  11. Haha, I used to think the same thing until I started doing some research and comparing the prices and products.
  12. Unless you are made of money, I would recommend ordering them from online. I'm currently taking Myofusion, Jack3d, and a multi.
  13. Yeah works, someone figure out how
  14. Not good enough. Defenses still don't respect his shot, they play back on him all of the time.
  15. Not enough. He went from horrible to okay. He needs to go from okay to decent.
  16. I HIGHLY doubt that he hasn't smoked weed for a whole year
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