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Everything posted by Guru

  1. MJ, for now. If Kobe wins one more ring the title is his imo.
  2. If Nova losses my bracket is [expletive]ed
  3. http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U141-1268868808.jpg
  4. Probably getting wasted, mad parties tonight.
  5. Guru


    haha yea it looks weird on a light skin forum, looks much better on a dark bg
  6. I've been to some frats that have some insane ones. I've seen a football field one with real turf on the table...lmao
  7. Right now Pujlos is probably better but in their primes I would probably take A-Rod.
  8. meh. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a308/parthamin555/rolle.png
  9. I don't know if its over or not but Swish simply flowed better imo 9-7
  10. Lil Wayne - Sky is the Limit Every time that [expletive] comes on I have to make sure my music is so loud that my trunk is making noise from the bass vibrating so hard.
  11. I can't wait to see where AD goes
  12. I couldn't watch this game because ABC and Disney are beefing and now I don' get ABC. Bull[expletive].
  13. Guru


    Collab with PD21. Pretty pleased with the result. Feedback appreciated. http://youngguru.deviantart.com/art/Shawn-...Jay-Z-156444525
  14. Even though we suck, I luv watching Nets vs. Knicks games.
  15. Life's not "fair". If a team has more money than another team they should be allowed to spend it without a limit. At the end of the day the NFL and the MLB are just two businesses trying to make money.
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