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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Yeah hopefully classes get canceled on Wednesday
  2. We were supposed to get like 10 in but only got around 5-6.
  3. hahaha first thought that came to my mind as well
  4. I'm going for the Saints, but that's just because my roommate is a Colts fan and I like rooting against him, lol.
  5. I really don't care what you think. Why the [expletive] would I lie lol
  6. needs some cleaning up here and there but this is pretty solid
  7. not feelin the dup renders
  8. I've smoked weed laced with heroin, really bad idea. Thats the furthest I've gone but I kind of want to try X just to see how it feels.
  9. damn, one forum that i have been on that has actually succeeded.
  10. http://www.speedtest.net/result/694888782.png lmao something is def wrong with the download speed
  11. Guru


    nice good [expletive]
  12. I'm not gonna lie, I really liked my entry.
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