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Everything posted by Guru

  1. kinda rusty cnc please http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a308/parthamin555/rice.png
  2. its a decent album, much better than what i expected pass the dutchie is my [expletive]
  3. i just downloaded it and deleted all of it except that song with em. album is straight awful
  4. ... talk to me when Romo wins a playoff game.
  5. He would want too much money in which case we wouldn't go after someone bigger like Lebron or Wade.
  6. Its snowing like crazy in Jersey. I <3 it.
  7. other than looks, confidence is definitely something my girl would need.
  8. This show makes me laugh so much. Most guidos are from Long Island not Jersey. Regardless, its one of the funniest shows on TV.
  9. Kobe is the most feared player in the NBA easily.
  10. Flozell Adams, thank for for waking us up. The [expletive] [expletive] Eagles are gonna get it next week.
  11. He was just having some fun. They won the game so its all good/
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