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Everything posted by Guru

  1. 1. RU > UMass, just admit it. 2. Why do the Nets suck so much? 3. How is MA different from Jersey? 4. Enjoying college? 5. If we get Wade instead of Lebron do you think we could still win a championship with that squad? 6. Change your name back to Poppa Boner. 7. How many chicks have you hooked up with so far in college? 8. <3
  2. its fun... won't get you "[expletive]ed up" or light headed after like the first 5 times you do it for doing it while drinking, i stick to cigs or bud, must faster and it hits so much harder but i shouldn't be teaching you kids this, smoking and drinking are bad!
  3. meh. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a308/parthamin555/usc.png
  4. Holy [expletive]! Hope he's okay
  5. i was the cookie monster this year.. didnt really have a costume but just a tee shirt
  6. you guys had a great season, seriously. no sarcasm.
  7. So did I, until I looked up the lyrics right now lmao
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