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Everything posted by Guru

  1. not bad actually i was expecting much worse, good job
  2. text and placement of lighting are bringing this down a lot
  3. Its the Giants or Saints, toss up.
  4. Year You Became a Fan: 1999 Why You Became a Fan: Born and raised in Jersey Favorite Nets Player, All-Time: JKidd Favorite Nets Coach, All-Time: Scott Favorite Nets Moment: Finals 2 years in a row Amount of Nets Games Attended: 19
  5. this list makes the most sense imo
  6. 1. Who's first in the AL East right now? 2. Oh. 3. Reason for losing to the Jets? 4. Good thing you have two fav football teams so if one is sucking you can always fall back on the other one. The Niners are looking good this year. 5. Virgin? 6. Remember when the Pats went undefeated? ... oh wait. 7. Who do you have wining the world series this year? 8. Super Bowl? 9. lol, boston.
  7. Kanye is a douche-bag. [expletive] Kanye. [expletive]ing pop artist [expletive] [expletive]. In all seriousness though, he was drunk out of his mind. Why in the world would anyone get that wasted before the VMAs?
  8. [expletive] you [expletive]es im getting old
  9. thursday night = getting twistedddddd tonight
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