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Everything posted by Guru

  1. I see what you are saying but two of the best hitting teams in baseball were held scoreless for 15 innings. Thats pretty damn impressive.
  2. I think Maclin and Nicks will both have great years but I'm going to be a homer and say Nicks.
  3. i could care less how many years he got at this point.
  4. lmao @ the title ... now thats taking quotes and making bs out of them... nice job
  5. Guru


    i've never seen that [expletive] before paul looks ugly imo lol i would never use that as inspiration haha
  6. haven't seen it yet but probably. last thing you want is to be watching a chick flick with a bunch of dudes.
  7. I saw it with this girl. It was aite, good move to take a girl to but terrible movie if you are going with guys. Had some really funny parts but the plot was extremely predictable.
  8. buy a [expletive]load, its all you will be eating when it rains/snows. also, steal hot sauce from the dining hall to put in it.
  9. Nothing really. Addiction is a pretty strong word.
  10. We got the ship this year. Go ahead, quote me.
  11. i would bet anything and say that atleast 5 pounds of that was fat no offense man, but unless you have ridiculous genetics its hard to believe that you gained 10 pounds of muscle in a month.
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