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Everything posted by Guru

  1. This is true. On average a person lifting without steroids can expect to gain around 4 pounds of muscle per month of lifting, while a person on steroids can expect to gain around 20 pounds of muscle per month.
  2. have fun, dont expect me to up the psd or anything though
  3. nah, i dont care enough
  4. yea i didnt like it either but got some odd/positive feedback for it so i fixed it up
  5. lol ur name doesnt make sense anymore change it back to poppa boner
  6. Its very nice, its also one of my favorites that I forgot to add. I should take a pic of my stack, its pretty insane.
  7. maybe i dont know what would fit though
  8. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a308/parthamin555/raekwon.png http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a308/parthamin555/raekwoncopycopy.png
  9. I do it the same way as you
  10. lmao rios shouldn't have went back at him imo, but i dont blame him for going back at him
  11. lmao, after seeing this [expletive] im pretty sure Mo could take him
  12. I wish he would charge at Joba. Youks [expletive]ass clearly can't fight for [expletive].
  13. I agree. His [expletive] got thrown. Youk is a [expletive].
  14. okay lets put it this way, expos is one class you want to get rid of, off of classes you have to take ASAP. writing the 6 page+ papers takes a very long time. and you have to write 6 of them. also, since most people take it 1st semester you have peers that can help give you ideas and stuff. plus the last paper of expos is due when RU gets crazy, around Rutgersfest. in the end though, it all depends on what professor you get. also, one good thing about taking it 2nd semester is that you can just take the book from one of your friends and don't have to buy it.
  15. lol i forgot freshman don't get their schedules until like a week before school starts ... and dont worry, expos sucks a thousand times more 2nd semester... not amazing lol. good luck with chem as well, if you get siegel, it will be one of the most difficult classes you will take at RU. physics isn't that bad and im guessing you are taking comp app which isnt that bad either.
  16. lmao thats exactly what i was thinking when i saw it
  17. same. [expletive]ing curly haired homo
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