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Everything posted by Guru

  1. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a308/parthamin555/twill.png
  2. LMAO, thats like saying you had a friend that took protein. Do your research before posting stuff like that.
  3. My mom works at Loreal so I get mad [expletive] for cheap/free. My favs: http://www.heavenlypotions.com.au/images/attitude.jpg http://perfumestore.co.nz/images/Fuel%20For%20Life%20Cologne%20by%20Diesel.jpg http://stuffiranianslike.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/acqua-di-gio-cologne-by-giorgio-armani-for-men.gif http://www.fragrancex.com/images/products/SKU/big/227M.jpg http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq39/AverageMetroJoe/PoloBlackCologne.jpg
  4. If we are talking about how they are playing right now, I would give them both a 9.
  5. AL East. No contest really, I don't like your number rankings though.
  6. No. As long as its cold it doesn't need ice.
  7. Nitro at Six Flags NJ is easily my favorite. I like El Toro but I'm not a huge fan of wood coasters. King Da Ka is cool, but never worth the line wait. Nitro is simply the best ride at Six Flags NJ IMO.
  8. I feel you. The worst is when everyone around you is [expletive]faced but you are just a little tipsy. lol.
  9. bahahaha this is probably the greatest thing ever posted
  10. Should of put everclear in it instead of vodka.
  11. Meh, some Yankees fans are spoiled as [expletive]. We expect our team to be the best. For any other team not winning a ship in 9 years is not THAT big of a deal, but since we are the Yankees it is. Plus I feel like we needed this sweep not particularly to gain a bigger lead in the division but more so to prove that we can beat the Red Sox. This sweep was more of a mental gain imo.
  12. na its not freeget docklibrary if you dont want to torrent candybar... its similar and free hopefully that helps
  13. Guru


    http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a308/parthamin555/tomlinson.png me and bgeezy quick collabo
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