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Everything posted by Guru

  1. hahaha we stole like 70 bottles of Franks from our dining hall last semester
  2. Public? Na its been a while. I try and hit up the RU libraries around finals time though.
  3. They will lose atleast 3 at home before the all-star break.
  4. Good read. I can't wait until VC comes back to the Izod Center.
  5. bhahahaha smitty why didn't you pour some out for your dead homies?
  6. I don't live my life on "ifs". But yeah we overpaid his [expletive].
  7. your forgetting the part where he avoided a sack .. if he didn't do that.. no throw, no catch.
  8. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a308/parthamin555/brandonjacobs.png
  9. Should be interesting to see how the crowd reacts for the home opener.
  10. Meh, I've hit 140 in my TL so I'm not really too impressed tbh.
  11. Haha I use that [expletive] on everything. I got like 12 bottles when I went to AZ last winter.
  12. Our rushing game and defense [for the most part] will be fine but our passing game took a huge hit in the draft. I don't know, we'll see. I expect Jourdan Brooks and Kordell Young to have a huge year though.
  13. I'm not expecting much from RU this year.
  14. ^ look at your sig for example. the render was desaturated and clearly has about 3-4 stocks that overlap parts of the render along with the background. as far as text goes, there are many things you can do... once you figure out how to execute render effects many times you can use the same techniques for your text, such as clipping masks etc.
  15. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a308/parthamin555/boldin.png
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