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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Easily the most hyped Heat game I watched. The fans were into it tonight
  2. haha sucks to be you phoenix even the nets don't have a lottery pick!!!
  3. Lebron "limping" after an airball. Anyone surprised?
  4. I take that back, he's beasting lmao
  5. Getting blocked by Collison, easily.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsZDpNkwH6Y
  7. I'm tired of seeing coaches run onto the court like that. Not just Spo but all of them. The refs need to start Ting them up for that shit.
  8. I aint even mad because at the end of the day, all of the people that were rooting for Lebron to succeed, tomorrow they'll have to wake up and have the same life that they had before they woke up today. They got the same personal problems they had today and Lebron's going to continue to live the way he wants to live and continue to do the things he wants to do.
  9. This shit was over once KD got called for his 4th so early into the 3rd.
  10. That's because he elbowed it out of him
  11. Lol, I was just as shocked as you. If my count is correct he has 4 missed dunks this series lol
  12. Wade always gets away with kicking his leg out on the drive which is bullshit. And that Lebron drive was a charge.... gave him an and-1.
  13. I think the 2-2-1-1-1 is better as well. It's stupid to change the format for only the finals.
  14. It will be interesting to see how Westbrook plays after getting completely ripped by the media for his performance in game 2. I didn't think he played as bad as Magic thought he did, but he did make a lot of mistakes.
  15. I have read that King is trying to pick up veteran pieces to convince DWill to stay. There is the possibility of us getting a first round pick but it won't be a lottery pick (probably somewhere in the 20s). Also, I don't see us dealing Lopez. A decent big man is hard to come by. Trust me, we just watched Sh. Williams and Petro play C for a year. You never know with BK though lol
  16. http://i.minus.com/ip7tCn1KGSMPH.gif
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