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Everything posted by Guru

  1. This is like saying what is so bad about Starbary. They are both cancers to the team.
  2. If you are talking about the Vill topic its because your link to your image was incorrect. You put two http:// Go check it out
  3. http://assets.sbnation.com/assets/135934/charlie_v_tweet_medium.jpg
  4. If we pay anything close to what you guys paid Shard for a good player I will be mad at the Nets organization.
  5. Man I wish they televised some of these, I hate watching games online.
  6. Harris and Skip throwing lobs to T Will and Lee? Dunkfest baby.
  7. Thats what I like to hear .
  8. Damn, that sig/logotype is still so boss. Here you go Paul: http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U141-1246557048.png
  9. Don't see it happening but this would make the Magic amazing.
  10. looks good just move the text to the left more
  11. I have a feeling you haven't seen a lot of my [expletive]. lol And thanks for the feedback everyone, tell me if anyone wants to collab this
  12. eh http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a308/parthamin555/kweli.png
  13. http://www.advantageservice.net/images/black_n_mild_wine.jpg
  14. Good question actually. We'll see how Frank handles it.
  15. You could be better. lol sike na it could be I see what you are saying.
  16. look at tutorials dude
  17. http://www.otrbasketball.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.gif
  18. Shaq is the biggest boss I have seen thus far.
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