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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Thunder in 6. Westbrook needs to have an efficient series for my prediction to hold. He needs to stop chucking up 20 footers with 18 left on the clock.
  2. The funny thing is that one of the announcers was saying pre-fight how 2 out of the 3 judges didn't deserve to be there. Crazy
  3. That's simply not true lol. I know numerous people who hopped on the Heat bandwagon after Lebron left the Cavs. Come to a Nets Heat game and tell me people outside of MIA hate the Heat. Although, on this site we are fortunate to have true Heat fans.
  4. i like the layout. lighting on the background and render are too sloppy imo. nice work
  5. Maybe I'll change my mind once he wins a championship but for now it's really hard for me to consider him "elite". He has a ridiculous amount of talent on his team. One stat that sticks out to me is: Thunder 29th in Assist/TO ratio. He made good adjustments in the Spurs series. I give him a lot of props for that. Also, it is extremely difficult to judge how much impact a coach actually has on a game.
  6. Damn I might have to change my sig for the first time in years lol. Great to see that the site isn't going anywhere though.
  7. Lol.... on the bright side game 7 is going to be nuts Or maybe Lebron will go ham again and the celtics will get blown out
  8. I would rather trade for Gay if I'm the Raptors. Iggy is a better overall player but Gay is younger and a better scorer. Gay has been averaging around 20 ppg since after his rookie season. Iggy's scoring has been on a decline the past few seasons (only averaged 12.4 this season). Defensively it's not close; it goes to Iggy by a mile. As a young team, I would have to go with Gay simply because I don't think he has reached his prime yet. On the other hand, I believe Iggy is past his prime. Some good comparison links: http://insider.espn.go.com/nba/hollinger/statistics?position=sf&action=upsell&appRedirect=http%3a%2f%2finsider.espn.go.com%2fnba%2fhollinger%2fstatistics%3fposition%3dsf http://www.basketball-reference.com/play-index/h2h_finder.cgi?request=1&p1=iguodan01&p2=gayru01
  9. Your terrible spelling is annoying as [expletive].
  10. Joey Crawford shouldn't be allowed to ref Spurs games.
  11. Wow, how does Harden get those calls? They aren't even good flops wtf.
  12. Wow, they really need to start fining players for flopping.
  13. **** The Chronic 2001. Big difference between that and The Chronic from 1992. Either way, good to see Cudi getting back into Hip-Hop. It's about time he dropped this alternative/rock shit he's been trying out.
  14. http://i49.tinypic.com/2b5kc1.jpg
  15. Lmfao this kid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7io6gs5A7U
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