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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Like me and Warren said, Boston in 6.
  2. Hahahha KG "Get that shit outta here"
  3. Lmao wow that wasn't even a good flop by Wade... he just dropped to the ground and still got the call Pathetic call by the refs.
  4. The heart KG plays with >>>
  5. Lmao, "Put Lebron" was trending for a while. Sick block and and-1 by KG... taking advantage of the Heat crying and not running back just like Rondo said. You can see Lebron and Bosh both bitching and not running back in time on that play. It wasn't even a foul lol
  6. Lol Nice run by the Spurs to end the 3rd. Also, that charge call on Manu was terrible. Collison was on the circle and he was moving.
  7. Lmao @ Westbrook not getting back on D and then fouling Manu on the 3
  8. lol yeah i was gonna say.... that's the best jersey switch i've ever seen
  9. http://espn.go.com/new-york/nfl/story/_/id/7998190/osi-umenyiora-new-york-giants-agree-restructured-deal Finally, he can stop crying about his damn contract.
  10. would be nice if you could add some type of texture to the text i like it though, clean
  11. I got mad bug bites from Seaside yesterday -_-
  12. So we gamble on Deron, hence allowing us to gamble on Dwight. That failed. Next we gamble on GForce and hope that we somehow get to keep our 1st. Half failed, might fully fail. I really hope Billy King doesn't go to AC any time soon. We don't know if these were the 'right gambles' yet. There's only two outcomes when it comes to gambling; winners and losers. As of now, we are losing.
  13. Necessary for what? For us to miss the playoffs in back-to-back years? For us to wait for Dwight to [expletive] us over? I would have been fine with the Melo trade because one of the main parts of the trade was the requirement for Melo to sign an extension with us. Yes, we got DWill for cheaper but if it ends up being for a one year rental... was it really worth it? I don't think so.
  14. It was a gamble. The D-Will trade was either going to turn out to be a brilliant move or a huge mistake. If Dwill and Gforce leave... we traded 3 first round picks, Favors, and Harris for NOTHING. At least if we were building through the draft I would have something to be optimistic about. He knew the risk when he made the moves. And the Knicks still have Melo. I would rather be stuck with him than have nothing at all.
  15. lol you know it's true. if that was joel anthony that would have been a foul on him
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