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Everything posted by Guru

  1. No order: Breaking Bad Game of Thrones Dexter Sons of Anarchy Californication HIMYM Eastbound & Down Suits Spartacus Weeds
  2. Haha wow sick move by Rondo but he blew the lay-up
  3. http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/1296/201205252222805520271p2.jpg FINALS!
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6O6Z-sRpL4
  5. What a game by Wade. I haven't seen him dominate a game like that in a while.
  6. Battiers shot to the nuts was dirtier. My bad, I didn't realize I had to be explicit with all of my posts.
  7. I'd rather get hit in the head than the nuts... just me though
  8. Bitching about 3 in the key is like bitching about holding in football...
  9. Batman making Skip Bayless look like a genius...
  10. http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/579732_3459516210597_2045971239_n.jpg
  11. Na, I don't think he's being sarcastic. And, Chandler deserved the DPOY award imo...
  12. Possible explanation for Chandler being on the 2nd team: Coaches vote for All-NBA teams. Media votes for DPOY. Now we know how the coaches felt about the DPOY award voting lolol
  13. I can't stand his voice or "wisdom"
  14. http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/245/677/a50.jpg
  15. I really don't care how many games Pittman got because he's a scrub. He should of got 5+ though. I think Haslem got 1 because they didn't call the flagrant 2 and the league wanted to make up for the no call without explicitly changing the foul to a flagrant 2.
  16. http://images.quickblogcast.com/8/3/1/4/7/184722-174138/smh2.gif http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/2930/screenshot20120523at121.png
  17. HE HIT THE [expletive]ING BALL! Hansbrough followed through AFTER HE HIT THE BALL. What the [expletive].
  18. When the [expletive] did I say that Haslem should be suspended? It's the playoffs? No shit? Answer this: Did Haslem make a play on the ball? That was a flagrant 2. Yes, let's move on because you are being completely delusional.
  19. Hahhahahahahha... at least tonight we found out who the logical Heat fan(s) are Hansbrough was going for the ball. He even hit the ball. Haslem made no play on the ball and went to take out the guys head. Just because he didn't completely decapitate Hansbrough you think it's all good? Da [expletive].
  20. http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/3400/350x700pxll4ad90b08nots.jpg
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