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Everything posted by Guru

  1. I'm not taking anything away from the Lakers but those fouls on Harden at the end were ehhh. The Lakers did a great job of hitting the FTs. Also, I don't give a [expletive] how good of a shooter Durant is... you have to get a better look than a contested shot 30 ft away from the hoop. I can't say the refs favored one side over another... there were questionable calls all game on both sides.
  2. What wife? http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/8423/1324113546u1891.png
  3. lmao word. I would have bugged out if someone tried doing that to me lol
  4. The only problem with this entire situation is that Lebron will cry if they trade his buttbuddy. No way the Heat trade Wade.
  5. Wtf ESPN.. http://a.espncdn.com/photo/2012/0516/bos_g_pierce_garnett_b1_576.jpg
  6. David Stern's interview was interesting http://www.sbnation.com/nba/2012/5/13/3018175/david-stern-flopping-nba-video
  7. Lmao @ Rondo's interview after the game..
  8. Smart move by Doc to foul at the end.
  9. You're crazy if you think the NBA/refs aren't going to take public scrutiny into consideration. I'm sure they go back and look at tapes just like everyone else. I don't like this move by Vogel to be honest. If the Heat use this as bulletin board material this could be a sweep. High risk, low reward. But I guess for them to have a chance they have to take any and every risk.
  10. That came out in 2010.... he hasn't put out shit that I've liked in 2 years He stopped smoking weed after that album too, I'm assuming he has nothing left to rap about lol I hope MOTM3 is the shit but we shall see
  11. WTF does that mean!? You keep repeating he's a better rapper. What exactly is he better at? Also, Kanye's shittiest album (take your pick) shits on Teflon Don.
  12. How about you explain why Rick Ross is good instead of degrading Kanye? That is an argument I would love to hear lmfaoooo
  13. lolwut. I wasn't trying to go at the Knicks I was just wondering if he was gonna get some minutes Butttt since you wanna go there http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/250x250/19013321.jpg
  14. It's close. That's why I only put one ">". Either way, this goes against your original statement. You flip floppin son
  15. Bahahaha get off of Officer Ricky's dick already. He does absolutely NOTHING better than Ye. You really just said Rick Ross is a better rapper than Kanye. Wow.
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