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Everything posted by Guru

  1. I just hope Facebook doesn't add a bunch of stupid unnecessary features to Instagram making it cluttered and confusing.... but they probably will so RIP Instagram.
  2. Yep. I have a hard time believing that he gave it his all in Dallas. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to trade him back to LA at the end of the year.
  3. http://www.sportsgrid.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/eli-manning-2.jpg
  4. Bitch ass move by Dwight. Terrible timing as well. [expletive]ing clown. Otis Smith said he talked to them both. Pretty much SVG is gone after the playoffs.
  5. http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U141-1333658431.png I know, sick ass wallpaper right?
  6. CandyBar + http://browse.deviantart.com/customization/icons/os/mac/ There are other methods to change your icons though.
  7. Okay, that was wayyy overboard. He deserved the suspension.
  8. Man they are on TV like every other night lol.... these aren't the the Kings we are talking about. I haven't seen every single Heat game but I've seen them play a shit load this year. Also, you guys aren't the Spurs you don't need to "take nights off". What I mean by that is that Wade Bosh and Lebron aren't exactly old. Condensed schedule or not they are good to go. If anything that hurts them in the playoffs because it lowers your seeding and could possibly take away HCA in a series. W/e though, that was a good game.
  9. http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/787/46583624.png
  10. Ha. You guys are just getting your excuses ready if you lose imo
  11. OMG THIS NEW YEEZY GOES INNNNN http://www.inflexwetrust.com/2012/04/04/ifwt-exclusive-kanyewest-ft-therealdjkhaled-theraflu/
  12. And we got a game. Lol Lebron just said this is playoff basketball.... I'm pretty sure the Heat are trying lol
  13. Lebron falling in love with the 3... not a good thing for the Heat
  14. Okay, if that doesn't pump the Heat up I don't know what will
  15. First Perkins kicks Wade in the face now he slaps him hahaha
  16. Sounds like a coaching problem... which doesn't surprise me.
  17. Lmao, I don't buy this whole the Heat are chilling until the playoffs bullshit. If you are on the floor you are going to give it your all. Unless you are tanking/ down by 20.
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