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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Guru


    Solid. You should increase the vibrancy and lose/change the text imo. Good job
  2. I don't know why people would mind that much tbh.... this would most likely drive ticket prices way down I'm a Nets fan so I don't have to worry about that but for the rest of you..
  3. Guru

    OF Tape Vol. 2

    Well that's [expletive]ing retarded if true because 1) The OF Tape (Vol. 1) was a mixtape 2) It has [expletive]ing 'Tape' in the mother[expletive]ing title 3) Most of the songs on here are not 'album' worthy at all
  4. Guru

    OF Tape Vol. 2

    This mixtape is so terrible...
  5. I'm still laughing at the fact that ECN doesn't know what a curb stomp is hahahaha
  6. I'm going to assume you are talking about Best Day Ever and not K.I.D.S. because K.I.D.S. is still his best work to date imo.
  7. Just pick a date about a week from now and tell them they have to gtfo by then.
  8. The Thunder are shitting on the Heatles so far.
  9. Na, but I'm sure the KKK would.
  10. Haha, I think it's called a mission. But I agree he's been great. I'm not blaming him for the loss at all. He just should have shot the wide open 3 instead of driving on that one possession.
  11. Good timeout by Kansas. This possession is going to be huge.
  12. This White kid is pretty nice. UNC is hitting tough shots while Kansas is getting good looks. Still, only a 4 point game.
  13. I think it's hilarious that Blake acted like he couldn't get up from that shit. [expletive]ing clown.
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