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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Lmao @ Blake laying there like he died after the hit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQmV7ETxj2I
  2. lmaoooo that 2nd one is [expletive]ing awesome
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3Z0N07srmw
  4. Shit's dope. This is the Wiz I became a fan of. Not better than Kush and OJ but still very good. I hope he continues to put out shit like this and less shit like Rolling Papers
  5. What. The. [expletive]. I'd still smash
  6. Nice. I'm glad he didn't go to the Niners lolol
  7. Those gay ass head fake flops are the ones that piss me off the most.... I have no idea how players get the call on that shit
  8. http://data.whicdn.com/images/13755914/tumblr_lq7sb1mRjG1r1n350o1_500_large.jpg
  9. Excellent D by the Spurs down the stretch. Harden's soft pass really cost the Thunder. That is the one thing that makes me iffy on picking the Thunder to go to the Finals... they really need to cut down the turnovers
  10. http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0zxduq9Ql1qzaxefo1_500.jpg
  11. http://articles.nydailynews.com/2011-12-02/news/30464744_1_nets-gm-billy-king-williams-tweeted-extension Personally, I think he's gone but him not opting-in has nothing to do with it. I can't even blame him for wanting to leave... this team blows
  12. He already said he's opting out a long time ago... https://twitter.com/#!/DeronWilliams/status/142336840505106432
  13. Damn you beat me to it lol Details here: http://espn.go.com/new-york/nfl/story/_/id/7680313/new-york-giants-agree-deal-cb-terrell-thomas-source-says
  14. I have no idea why the Knicks didn't go to Amare more... The Knicks are free-falling right now. It might be time for a trade to shake things up.
  15. Moss is going to be hit or miss. Either way excellent move by the Niners though since it's only a one year deal.
  16. Gerald Green has wings... no other explanation makes sense.
  17. Nice job! The wheels look a bit off to me but overall it is really good. How long did this take you?
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