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Everything posted by Guru

  1. His game has really developed. Maybe I'm just being a homer but his jumper is solid, he hustles on defense, and he can fly. I hope we keep him for the rest of the season.
  2. Just wondering.... are you going to become a Dolphins fan if he goes to MIA?
  3. That would be hilarious... the Tebow fans would bug out lol
  4. He's a beast. My best fantasy pick-up all year lol
  5. http://i.imgur.com/zp56E.jpg LOLOL this shit is too funny
  6. Slacktivism.... people need to realize that it doesn't [expletive]ing help. By sharing, liking, or retweeting something you are NOT actually helping out.
  7. http://i.imgur.com/162Be.png
  8. Orlando is shooting the lights out right now
  9. He was hanging onto the rim before the poster....
  10. Westbrook had a better week but okay.
  11. Are you sure he wasn't staring at his own bench? But yeah that tech on Shump was complete bullshit.
  12. If only this guy was at the game tonight...lol http://oi51.tinypic.com/2a80ny1.jpg
  13. lmfaoooo that last one is hilarious
  14. That was a HUGE win for us. Damn we needed that big time after getting embarrassed last night.
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