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Everything posted by Guru

  2. Blake's hesitation at the top of his FT makes me laugh every time.... terrible form
  3. Epic choke job here in the second half.
  4. No, but if he got "lucky" 10/20 times he would be crowned as clutch. Why the [expletive] did you pick such a small sample size? What if Kwame gets hot in the last 2 minutes of two games and helps his team win? Is he clutch? [expletive] outta here. And YOU make no sense. There is no where near the same amount of pressure with 2 minutes left and 5 seconds left. Clutchness is defined by the last seconds in a game not the last minutes.
  5. It does imo. Do or die. You have the most pressure on you when you are taking the LAST shot... not 2 minutes before.
  6. Okur and Lopez have been out pretty much the entire year.
  7. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x16o88_got-yourself-a-gun-nas-clip_music
  8. I'm glad they didn't call the walk on Dirk... superstar treatment namean? /sarcasm
  9. The point is that he needed to score 57 for us to beat the Bobcats by 3. The team around him is completely terrible... especially with Brook out
  10. LOLOLOL I guess I'll watch the Knicks game Edit: Nvm they are getting blown out as well LOL College basketball it is
  11. Damn, I never realized that Iggy missed so many shots in the clutch.
  12. He's played 5 games this year.... But yes, he is a terrible rebounder. Also, Hump beasting doesn't help his rebounding average.
  13. Hahaha, yep that is the only difference between them. It's funny that Brook didn't miss a game in his first 3 years and the one year we needed him to be healthy he only plays 5 games. -_-
  14. http://images.yuku.com.s3.amazonaws.com/image/gif/1f3258b49a635e28caba1be9ec5ec7c98e9f98c.jpg
  15. Lol, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the Giants did something similar to this. Football is a physical game... big hits are going to get rewarded.
  16. Just dropped: http://www.livemixtapes.com/download/16042/big_krit_4eva_n_a_day.html
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