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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Lol, aite I get your reasoning... don't agree with it but I get it I still like the foul call. Two wrongs don't make a right. If you are going to call that foul it should be called whether the player has no fouls or 5 fouls. You shouldn't "let the players play" on some plays and not others. Also, giving the "5th foul treatment" to only superstars would result in even more inconsistency with calls.
  2. Hahaha honestly I was thinking the same thing. This team just doesn't show up some nights.... luckily for us Deron went ham in the 2nd half.
  3. Deron set a record for most FTs without a miss by a player who scored 50+ Points.
  4. This came out a couple weeks back. Great song. Kendrick is so dope
  5. Lol I feel you man. I've been waiting for this forever
  6. I still don't understand why you wouldn't make the call. What's your logic there? Just because it's Wade you don't make the call? If it's a foul, which apparently you agree with, you make the call.
  7. Like I said I'm done arguing the play with you. It was a foul. You can contort that anyway you please. I don't know if you realize it or not but you are the only one saying that it wasn't a foul. You're wrong. Get over it.
  8. Lmfao that lady ate that like it was nothing
  9. He's clearly touching his left arm.. which you claimed he didn't. I'm done trying to argue with a blind person.
  10. Bahahhahhhahahahahahahahahaha wtf that is arm dumbass
  11. He didn't hit any part of his arm? Wtf are you watching? Even if he hit the ball he clearly took out his arm after.. which is still a foul
  12. Why the [expletive] not? He got all arm. Just because it's Wade and he has 5 you don't make the call? Da [expletive].
  13. LOL @ JVG. That was a foul... he got straight ARM.
  14. This is the best game I've seen MWP play in a very long time.
  16. *Drops at noon. I can't wait for this.... KRIT is that dude
  17. Wtf is Gasoft doing in the post!? Man the [expletive] up. Kobe vs. Battier is always fun to watch.
  18. Lawl Kobe going off....I doubt anyone is surprised
  19. I think he was scared to miss lol. Either way he played a ridiculously good game..... insane numbers
  20. WTF is Rondo thinking passing on a wide open fastbreak layup!? He's so lucky that Allen made it.
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