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Everything posted by Guru

  1. That's the thing... do you think Kobe would have been okay with being the inbounder? Obviously, Lebron is a much better passer than Kobe but at the end of the day people (including Kobe) want to see Lebron take the final shot. I think during the previous play where Lebron turned it over Kobe was "trash talking" but it was more along the lines of "son I am disappoint" rather than "you [expletive]ing suck bro".
  2. Decent list but I disagree with Bynum being on the list.... atleast not this year.
  3. Damn, I'm not gonna have time to make anything today. Good luck to all of the entries.... my bad for pulling a Blake Griffin and not defending my title lol
  4. Excellent defender, shitty point guard.
  5. On a side note, I can't wait until Farmar comes back.... watching Gaines makes me want to pull my hair out
  6. BROOK back, BROOK back There’s all these bitches screaming that BROOK back!!!
  7. Man, Brook Lopez makes such a big difference for us on the offensive end. Awesome first half for us.
  8. Gerald Green is playing surprisingly well.
  9. Guru


    It's rumored to come out some time in the Fall of this year
  10. Guru


    It's alright. I liked some tracks and hated others. Probably will give this a few more listens to see if it grows on me... I hope MOTM3 is much better than this though.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKAXIbp05g8
  12. Once again, bullshit. It was an UNNECESSARY foul. Accident? Sure. I'm sure he didn't go in thinking I'm gonna break Kobe's nose. I agree with you there. For the record, I'm a Wade fan. If Kobe fouled Wade like that, I would be saying the same [expletive]ing thing.
  13. I don't believe that shit for a second. Whatever doe at the end of the day I blame Lebron.
  14. LMFAO. All of you Heat fans know that if Kobe and Wade switched spots in this situation you guys would be bugging the [expletive] out. If you say that you wouldn't be bugging you are full of shit. Simple as that. Intentional or not.... it was unnecessary.
  15. Lol gtfo how was that not a cheap shot!? He went for the ball? REALLY?
  16. Lmao, Melo's face in the clip is priceless.
  17. I'm willing to bet money you're gonna get fat
  18. :wallbash3: Decent move, we need a SF.
  19. That or he's tired of choking on big stages lmao.
  20. How can you not run a play for Melo to take the last shot? Makes no sense lol. Oh well, decent game. I'm glad it was close at the end.
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